They are the identifying words, logos, pictures, letters, numbers, sounds, smells, aspects of packaging – or combination of these elements – that a company uses to distinguish themselves, their goods or their services in the marketplace. A company’s trademark can be it’s most valuable asset. Which makes registering and protecting that trademark one of the most import things a business can do.
Owning a registered trademark allows an individual, a business or a company the exclusive legal right to buy, sell, license or operate using that intellectual property. It also prevents others from applying for identical, or deceptively similar, trademarks.
Protecting your ideas and identity is what the lawyers at Gorton IP do best. From initial registration to the ongoing management of your intellectual property, Gorton IP lawyers are experienced with helping to create and protect new brands and welcoming existing trademarks into new markets like Australia, New Zealand, Papa New Guinea – or any where else in the world for that matter.